Latest papaer: Conference of Power & Energy
Society, IEEJ (Aug, 2004, Japan)
Study on Loop and mesh power flow system
in utility
An evaluation
the distribution system with
loop power flow control in distributed generation
loop power flow control for distribution system (-[kByte])
(Naotaka Okada, 2001, 7th International conference on AC and DC power
transmission) |
Basic study
on installation and control method for loop power flow controller
in distribution syste (-[kByte])
(Naotaka Okada, 2002, 14th conference of the electric power sullpy
industry) |
loop power
flow control and voltage characteristics of distribution system for
distributed generation including PV system (-[kByte])
(Naotaka Okada, May, 2003, 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy
Conversion (WCPEC-3)) |
Estimation of distribution
system load charateristics with time series data of PV system output
(Naotaka Okada, May, 2003, 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy
Conversion (WCPEC-3)) |
Simulation of Isolated Operation in
Fault codition by loop power controller(-[kByte])
(Naotaka Okada, Sep, 2004, IFAC
symposium on power plants & power systems Control 2003)
Experiment and evaluation
of loop power flow control for distribution system adaptable to a
large number of distributed PV systemst (-[kByte])
(Naotaka Okada, Jan, 2004, PVSEC14) |
loop power flow controller and study of supply and demand balance
(-[kByte]) (in Japanese)
(Naotaka Okada, Jan, 2004, Aug, 2004, Conference of Power & Energy
Society, IEEJ) |
Simulatino analysis of loop power flow controller in fault condition
(92[kByte]) (in Japanese)
(Masahide Ichikawa, Aug, 2003, Conference of Power & Energy Society,
loop power flow controller and simulation of transient supply and
demand balance(138[kByte]) (in Japanese)
(Masahide Ichikawa, Aug, 2004, Conference of Power & Energy Society,
A study of simple estimation method for characteristics of sections connected by BTB type LPC
(120[kByte]) (in Japanese)
(Masahide Ichikawa, Jan, 2005, National Convention, IEEJ)