We are at the beginning of stage which
we make. As you know there are many world problems such as energy
problem, food crisis, reduction of biodiversity and forest, and
so on. It depends on your choice; save world or not. In this stage,
we focused on energy problem and global worming. World energy demand
has been rapidly expanding due to the world economic growth and
population increase, especially in developing countries. According
to an IEA report, total CO2 emissions and total primary energy supply
in 2030 in the world will be twice as much as in 2000. If world
energy demands continue to increase, the primary energy may dry
up in this century. In addition, too much energy consumption causes
a variety of serious environmental problems such as global warming,
acid rain and so on. But, renewable energies are expected to resolve
both the energy problem and the environmental problems. Photovoltaic
power generation system (PV system) is one of promising renewables.
Because the PV system need no fuel, no emission and very low maintenance
at the operation stage. However, the solar energy has a disadvantage,
that is, its low energy density by nature. Therefore, to generate
large power such as nuclear power plant, the PV system must be introduced
at very large-scale.
We are member of IEA
VIII, and Prof. Kurokawa had been O.A this task from 1999 to
